About My Naval Service
Larry H. Weston was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on August 19, 1951. Larry is the current and first Senior Arkansas State Champion “Class A” rated chess player. Larry is also a certified United States Chess Federation (USCF) Tournament Director and 2019 Arkansas State Chess Delegate to the USCF representative at the US Chess Open at Orlando, Florida August 3 through 11, 2019.
Larry is a resident of Greystone Communities. Larry's wife Charlotte and he reside at 1109 Aberdour Drive, Cabot, AR. He is also a Retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer where he served as an Aircraft Mechanic, Maintenance Chief and P-3 Aircraft Flight Engineer. A snapshot and shadowbox of his service may be seen by selecting the U. S. Navy icon to the right on this page.
Larry taught himself to play chess in 1973 while in the Navy. Larry quickly became the barracks champion and ventured on to the Pensacola Chess Club and became a “Class C” player and the second ranked player on the club’s ladder.
Larry’s career with the Navy as a flyer and mechanic took center stage and most of his time. His playing time picked up during shore duty assignments in Northern California. Larry has participated in various chess clubs:
Pensacola Chess Club -- Pensacola, FL
Mechanics Institute Chess Club -- San Francisco, CA
CAL State Berkeley Chess Club -- Berkeley, CA
LERA Chess Club -- Sunnyvale, CA
Kolty Chess Club -- Campbell, CA
Palo Alto Chess Club -- Palo Alto, CA
Windsor East Bay Chess Club & Academy -- San Leandro, CA
San Lorenzo Chess Club & Academy -- San Lorenzo, CA
Little Rock Chess Club -- Little Rock, AR
Urban Knights Chess Club -- Little Rock, AR.